Where Healthcare Properties Struggle
Where Healthcare Properties Struggle…
Expo Real 2023: Synavision Draws a Positive Conclusion
Expo Real 2023: Synavision Draws a Positive Conclusion…
Next round of the “synavision Boot Camp”!
Next round of the “synavision Boot Camp”!…
Strong developers build good buildings!
Strong developers build good buildings! – synavision scales sustainability for buildings….
The New GEG: Building Owners Have a Right to Data!
The New GEG: Building Owners Have a Right to Data!…
Interview with Dr. Stefan Plesser
Dr. Plesser, the Bundestag recently passed the amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG). How do you evaluate the law, which had…
Interview USA Synavision Partner Baumann Consulting
Interview USA Synavision Partner Baumann Consulting…
Unlocking the energy saving potential of buildings
Unlocking the energy saving potential of buildings…
Building Performance made Contractable
Building Performance made Contractable…