the future

Research projects:
The foundation for intelligent buildings
of the future.

Forschung und Research von synavision

The opus project: new standards in predictive building technology

synavision GmbH, together with industry and research partners, is developing a data-driven system for early detection of maintenance and wear situations in buildings and their technical systems.

The goal of the project is to enable automated and predictive analysis of operational data through advanced algorithms and infrastructures. The research project opus (optimized predictive performance through cyber-physical systems) spans three years and is part of the IKT.NRW lead market program. We are proud of this research initiative and hope it brings us closer to our shared goal: perfect building performance.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


EFRE.NRW is a success story: Since 2014, over 8,000 projects have been funded, including more than 3,600 in the Ruhr area since 2007. Since 2000, approximately €11.1 billion has been made available, about half of which comes from EU funds.

This record includes numerous innovative projects with diverse themes and objectives that have been successfully implemented. A project tour through the five administrative districts of North Rhine-Westphalia highlights some of these successes as exemplary case studies.