Bielefeld, April 12, 2024 – The new Building Energy Act (“GEG”) has been in effect since January 1, 2024. One of the key changes: A requirement for transparency regarding building performance. Building owners should now exercise their new “right to data.”

A particularly important aspect is §71.a of the GEG. This regulation applies to new buildings with a rated output of the combined heating and ventilation system of more than 290 kilowatts. This can affect buildings as large as 4,000 square meters. Existing buildings must be retrofitted by the end of 2024.

“With §71.a of the new GEG, the legislator has provided clarity: Operational data from buildings and their systems must be made accessible,” explains Dr.-Ing. Stefan Plesser, Managing Director of synavision. “This finally ends the ‘black-box mentality’ in construction, which builders had to pay for and left many potentials untapped.”

The newly established right to data, via open interfaces of digital energy monitoring technology and between systems and applications within buildings, gives every building owner access to the data of their systems. This will finally allow transparency about building performance. When builders use these opportunities correctly, they can make full use of a variety of innovative digital tools and methods to operate buildings in the best possible way.

In a white paper, synavision provides a concise overview and recommendations on how building owners and managers, as well as technical planners and other service providers, can effectively apply these new requirements of the GEG in practice.