Technical monitoring of building technology
On the basis of planning documents such as hydraulic or automation schemes in new building projects or screenshots of the components on your building management system for existing buildings, we create a digital functional description of the control and regulation functions specifically for your building with the help of our self-developed IoT-platform.
On the basis of the operating data of your technical building equipment, which you can also easily provide to us via email as an export file, our “digital test bench” software automatically checks each individual control function for compliance with the digital target model. In this way, enormous amounts of data can be processed at the push of a button and you only see what interests you – the optimization potential.
Optimize & monitor
We will provide you with specific information on optimization potential to reduce energy consumption and thus the CO2 emissions of your building. In addition, we give you advice on how the climate comfort in the rooms can be increased and the long-term availability of your systems can be ensured.Through technical monitoring with our ISO 50001 certified software, you will always have complex buildings under control.
Because it is only smart and sustainable, if it actually works.
Your Opportunities
Our software "digital test bench" for your projects!
As a synavision software partner, you can now use the potential of artificial intelligence for your projects and buildings! The digital test bench is the first software for the digital quality assurance of modern building technology from planning to operation. Through technical monitoring in accordance with AMEV recommendation 135, our software provides a complete overview of the operating efficiency of the entire technical system in your building – at the push of a button. Even with the most complex buildings, you remain in control for satisfied builders, users and tenants. And last but not least for all of us, because our climate is protected by saving energy and resources.MORE
Become a synavision software partner now and secure perfect building performance for your customers and projects!
Current Topic
Digitale Klimaschutz-Initiative: Lüftungsanlagen optimieren und CO2 einsparen für nur 900,- €
Digital Building Summer Boot Camp 2020 kostenlos ab Juni für Studierende und Profis
Mo. 06.04.20, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Tue. 14.04.20, 14:00 – 15:00 Uhr p.m.
Fr. 17.04.20, 10:00 – 11:00 Uhr a.m.
Wed. 22.04.20, 15:00 – 16:00 Uhr p.m
Further dates will gladly be given upon request.
Free Demo
- Free of charge test for 30 days
- incl. 25 Data points
- Access to pre-done contents
- Free of charge Webinar for introduction
Digitale Klimaschutz-Initiative: Lüftungsanlagen optimieren und CO2 einsparen für nur 900,- €
Digital Building Summer Boot Camp 2020 kostenlos ab Juni für Studierende und Profis
Green Deal: Mit digitalem Zertifizierungs-Standard zum klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand
Keine Vorabkosten beim Projekt „Perfekte Gebäudeperformance“
Effizientere Gebäude durch intelligente Datennutzung mit synavision auf der E-world
Digital Summer Boot Camp 2020! Jetzt anmelden!